"The journey from entitlement to gratitude begins with a simple, conscious choice to inhabit each moment, to recognise each gift as it’s offered, to acknowledge the Gift Giver, and to experience true joy in receiving it." - A.J. Spurr

“This book really helped me to see some things that I was not doing, and some things that I could be doing to make my walk as a Christian… to make my life on this planet… and to make my holidays reflective more of the reason for the season.”

Laura Padgett, Podcaster

“I have many books on my bedside table, which I’ve flicked through or read the introduction. But I read this in a week and it is a really good book, with some really good research and lots of Bible in there as well, which I’ve loved. I highly recommend it.”

Robbo, Vision Radio

“This is a book that will appeal to all people who have an interest in getting the most out of life. AJ’s writing contains many clues to the importance and effectiveness of having an attitude of thankfulness and gratitude in everything we do and experience.

Brian Pickering, Australian Prayer Network

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